Wednesday, 09-03-2022

What Vitamins Are Good For Eye Health?

What Vitamins Are Good For Eye Health?

What Vitamins Are Good For Eye Health? The eyes are one of the important organs of the human body, but often people ignore the health of their eyes. 

They rely more on tools such as glasses if their eye health worsens but does not improve their bad habits that can aggravate the condition of the eyes. 

In addition to improving these bad habits, you should also take vitamins that are good for eye health. Vitamins are powerful antioxidants that protect the eyes and other parts of the body from oxidative and inflammatory damage. 

People who are deficient in certain vitamins may increase their risk of adverse eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration (AMD).

This article will outline the vitamins that are essential for your eye health, and will discuss additional nutrients that are very beneficial for eye health.

4 Best Vitamins for Eye Health

What Vitamins Are Good For Eye Health?

  1. Vitamin A and beta-carotene

Many are familiar with hearing vitamin A as the best vitamin for eye health, vitamin A is a component of rhodopsin protein that allows the eyes to see in low light conditions. 

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a deficiency of vitamin A can result in night blindness.  

Vitamin A also supports the function of the cornea which is the outermost protective layer of the eye. Usually people who are deficient in this vitamin will feel less moisture for the eyes to stay lubricated. 


Beta carotene can be referred to as a source of vitamins in the human diet. Beta carotene is a type of plant pigment called carotenoids contained in many fruits and vegetables. When a person consumes carotenoids, the body converts those pigments into vitamin A.

  1. Vitamin E

Alpha tocopherol  is a form of vitamin E that has very powerful antioxidant properties. These antioxidants are very much needed by the body, especially the eyes because 

Antioxidants help fight free radicals that damage tissues throughout the body. 

Free radicals have the potential to damage the protein content in the eye. This damage can lead to the development of a cloudy area commonly called a cataract in the lens of the eye.

Research linking vitamin E to cataract prevention, found that people who took vitamin E supplements had better eye clarity. 

But in a separate study it was explained that vitamin E supplements had no effect on the development of cataracts, and they found that more research was needed to determine the effectiveness of vitamin E supplements in preventing and slowing the progression of cataracts.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another type of antioxidant that is strong in protecting against oxidative damage.

This damage is the most common key factor in age-related cataracts: cortical cataracts and nuclear cataracts. Cortical cataracts develop at the edge of the lens, while nuclear cataracts occur deep in the middle.

A 2016 longitudinal study investigated a variety of factors that may help prevent the development of nuclear cataracts. 

The study included more than a thousand pairs of female twins. At the start of the study, the researchers measured the participants' cataracts, they then tracked each participant's intake of vitamin C and other nutrients for 10 years. 

At the end of the study period researchers re-measured cataracts in participants of 324 pairs of twins. Participants who reported taking more vitamin C showed a 33% reduction in the risk of developing cataracts.

  1. Vitamin B 

A study suggests daily supplementation with a combination of B6, B9 and B12 may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 

AMD is a type of eye disease that causes blurred vision. But this study specifically involved only women. 

So another study is needed that supports the use of B vitamins in preventing AMD in both men and women. Another study looked at nutrient intake and eye health in 2900 people between the ages of 49 and 97. 

The findings revealed that higher intakes of vitamin A, B, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin were linked to lower levels of nuclear cataracts. 

In addition, another study in South Korea found an association between reduced intake of vitamin B3 or niacin and glaucoma.

3 Other Nutrients to Help Eye Health

This article will also discuss the importance of the three nutrients below in accordance with scientific research conducted by experts. 

  1. Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Carotenoids can be found in high levels in green leafy vegetables. They are also found in the lens and retina of the eye. 

As antioxidants, zeaxanthin and lutein are able to protect against oxidative damage in the retina. Some studies show that at 6 mg a day lutexin and zeaxanthin may lower a person's risk of developing AMD.

  1. Zinc


Zinc is a mineral that protects the health of the retina, eye protein structure and cell membranes.

Zinc acts as a bridge for the process of vitamin A on the way from the liver to the retina to produce melanin. Melanin is a pigment that protects the eyes from the sun.

According to the American Optometric Association, zinc supplementation may help people who have AMD or are at risk for the condition. 

Consuming 40 – 80 mg of zinc daily can slow the progression of advanced AMD by up to 25%, and reduce visual acuity loss by up to 19%.

  1. Omega 3 fatty acids

Retinal eyes contain very high concentrations of omega 3 fatty acids, these fatty acids help protect the retina from damage and degeneration. 

In particular, omega 3 reduces the buildup of fatty deposits in blood vessels, including those that supply blood to the retina. Some scientists believe that these fatty deposits in blood vessels may contribute to AMD. 

In addition, some studies show that increasing omega 3 intake may lower the risk of dry eye syndrome. A person experiencing dry eye symptoms does not produce enough tears to keep the eyes lubricated.

Foods Are Good Sources of Vitamins for Eye Health

To get healthy eyes, a healthy and balanced diet is needed. The following variety are foods that provide enough vitamins and nutrients to improve eye health as described earlier.

But it should be noted that people who take medication or have a history of disease should see a doctor before taking dietary supplements. In some cases certain supplements may be harmful to health.

For example, taking zinc in high doses can affect the way the body absorbs copper.


Vitamin A and beta carotene:

- Yam

- Carrots

- Red peppers

- Pumpkin

Vitamin E:

- Almonds

- Sunflower seeds

- Safflower oil

- Soybean oil

- Corn oil

- Wheat grain oil

- Asparagus

Vitamin C:

- Oranges 

- Broccoli

- Brussels sprouts

- Blackberry

- Wine

Vitamin B1 or thiamine:

- Peas

- Nuts

- Fish

- Green beans

- Yogurt

Vitamin B2:

- Beef

- Wheat

- Yogurt

- Milk

- Remis

- Mushrooms

- Almonds

Vitamin B3 

- Beef liver

- Chicken

- Salmon and tuna

- Brown rice and white rice

- Nuts

Vitamin B6:

- Chickpeas

- Dark leafy vegetables

- Poultry

- Beef liver

- Salmon and tuna

Vitamin B9 or folic acid:

- Dark leafy vegetables

- Nuts

- Seafood

- Sunflower seeds

- Eggs

Vitamin B12:

- Fish

- Heart

- Red meat

- Poultry

- Eggs

- Milk 

Lutein and zaxanthin:

- Dark leafy vegetables

- Egg yolk

- Corn

- Asparagus

- Cabbage

- Lettuce

- Peas

- Spinach


- Seafood

- Peas 

- Chickpeas

- Pumpkin seeds

- Milk

Omega 3 fatty acids:

Oily fish such as sardines and tuna

- Walnuts

- Chia seeds

A balanced and healthy diet will provide the necessary nutrients for your eye health.

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