Monday, 21-11-2022

Don't Be Blind To Early Warning Signs of Narcolepsy Disease

Don't Be Blind To Early Warning Signs of Narcolepsy Disease

Don't Be Blind To Early Warning Signs of Narcolepsy Disease

What is narcolepsy disease? Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the sleep cycle and wakefulness of the brain. It is estimated that only 25% of people with narcolepsy are diagnosed and undergoing treatment.

There are about 3 million people suffering from this condition worldwide, it has never been more important to know the early warning signs. To see what signs you should be aware of, continue reading this article.

So What is Narcolepsy?

Originating as a neurological disorder, narcolepsy stops the brain from being able to control and regulate normal sleep and wake cycles.

This can have a dramatic effect on the patient's overall health because sleep is essential for restoring health.

Narcolepsy patients are known to fall asleep at inopportune times, sometimes while chatting, eating, or even driving a vehicle. As you probably understood, it can be very dangerous if it does not diagnose with the available treatments.

Who is Most At Risk of Narcolepsy Disease?

Narcolepsy is a condition that can come to anyone, including across genders both men and women.

Starting from childhood or adolescence, people with Narcolepsy can be diagnosed but previously there has not been enough research on this disorder.

But nowadays, with modern understanding, it has become easier to detect it even though many are actually unaware of having symptoms of narcolepsy.

Symptoms of narcolepsy diseases

There are some common symptoms that you should be aware of if you believe you or your loved ones have Narcolepsy. The most common symptoms include:

1. Cataplexy

Cataplexy is a sudden loss of muscle and muscle control that is severely affected by lack of sleep. It can be triggered by sudden strong emotions such as laughter, anger, stress, or even a frightening situation.

A body that undergoes rapid changes in its emotional state without proper deep sleep can cause the brain to fail to connect connections. It affects the central nervous system and therefore muscle control.

2. Sleep Paralysis

It really feels weird when you're in this state. Sleep Paralysis is a temporary inability to move or speak during sleep or even wakefulness that can last a few seconds or minutes depending on the severity.

3. Hallucinations

From a lack of sleep, the brain may begin to cause hallucinations in patients suffering from Narcolepsy. Most often visual hallucinations but sometimes other senses can be involved as well.

4. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS)

This condition is common in all Narcolepsy patients and is the most pronounced symptom. This feeling is a constant sleepiness that seems to have never been eliminated.

What Are the Different Types of Narcolepsy Diseases?

Type 1 narcolepsy – This type is a diagnosis based on individuals who have a lower amount of the brain hypocretin hormone.

Type 2 Narcolepsy – People who experience this condition experience excessive daytime sleepiness but do not experience cataplexy symptoms i.e. muscle fatigue and no connection.

How to Diagnose Narcolepsy?

To understand and diagnose a person experiencing Narcolepsy infection, there are several tests that can be performed by medical professionals.

Individuals initially go to a GP who will probably ask them to keep a sleep journal. This journal is usually kept for 1 to 2 weeks and helps identify if there is anything else that is causing sleep problems. If the symptoms persist then the doctor may recommend the following:

Polysomnogram (PSG or sleep study) – This study is a recording of overnight brain activity. A person will sleep in the hospital overnight with several connection points to the scalp to help monitor brain activity during sleep.

Multiple sleep latency tests (MSLT) – This test assesses daytime sleepiness by measuring how quickly you can fall asleep. The speed at which REM can be entered by an individual can help to identify whether narcolepsy is being suffered or not.

How to deal with narcolepsy diseases

There are many sleeping pills and medications available for those suffering from Narcolepsy. Some medications may have side effects so it is important to consult with your doctor first.

Some drugs like Modafinil help to keep individuals alert and awake during the day and are less addictive than other types of medications.

Tips to Sleep Better for Narcolepsy Sufferers

  • Short Naps – If you feel sleepy during the day, a short nap can help reset the brain and body to a state of calm.
  • Avoid Caffeine – Especially before going to bed, but we recommend reducing caffeine at 1 pm to help create a better environment to sleep in.
  • Avoid Smoking – Smoking at night can stimulate the body so that it does not enter a calm environment.
  • Avoid Eating Late – Eating too late and eating a big meal before bedtime can offset the body's natural secretions of relaxation hormones. It plays an important role in restoring the well-being of the body and is essential for good health.

Contact Local Specialists For Testing

If you are experiencing any of the early warning signs then a medical professional test is your best defense against Narcolepsy. Sleeping well is essential to have a healthy and happy mindset during life and the relationships around us. Professionals are available across the country and are ready to book your initial symptom test today.

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