Monday, 06-06-2022

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Depression?

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Depression?

The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Depression

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Depression?

Scientists have known for a while that Calcitriol, the active vitamin D hormone, affects neurotransmitters linked to mental disorders. These are summarized in the largest study directly linking vitamin D and depression.

Researchers followed 12,600 participants for four years and found people with low levels of vitamin D were more likely to experience symptoms of depression.

The correlation is very strong, especially in people who have experienced depression before. Higher vitamin D levels are associated with a reduced risk of depression for people with a history of the disorder.

However, there are some oddities. Researchers aren't sure whether low vitamin D levels cause depressive symptoms, or whether depression lowers vitamin D levels.

The study also doesn't say whether increasing vitamin D levels can reduce symptoms of depression in people with the disorder.

Other studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can contribute to osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease—meaning it is necessary to increase the amount of D in the diet.

The Food and Drug Administration recommends that we get between 200 and 800 IU of vitamin D daily (one can of tuna contains 200 IU).

So stock up on salmon, tuna, milk, and Swiss cheese—all super sources of vitamin D. Our bodies also produce vitamin D through exposure to sunlight.

That's the article The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Depression may be useful!

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