Tuesday, 24-05-2022

These are the benefits of vitamin C for eye health

These are the benefits of vitamin C for eye health

Vitamin C is well known for the many benefits it provides to our immune system. However, did you know that Vitamin C is also good for your eyes? These are the benefits of vitamin C for eye health.

These are the benefits of vitamin C for eye health

Vitamin C is also usually called ascorbic acid, which is a water-soluble vitamin and can be found in many types of fruits and vegetables, one of which is guava.

It is a powerful antioxidant and also plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of connective tissue. This includes the collagen found in the corner of ​​our eyes!

Read: Anti Aging Vitamin C: Benefits and How to Consume

Commonly found in the elderly and associated with aging, cataracts are clouding the lens of the eye.

This can lead to decreased vision. Oxidative damage is thought to be the cause that can lead to cataract formation. Because vitamin C is an antioxidant, it can help delay or even prevent cataract formation.

Results from 2 case-control studies have shown a 70% to 75% reduced risk of cataracts when daily vitamin C intake is greater than 300 mg.

Vitamin C has also been known to be used as a therapy for glaucoma, by working to reduce the increased pressure in the eye.

Benefits of Vitamin C in Cataracts

Cataracts, (a common age-related condition), cause clouding of the lens of the eye, cause blurred or reduced vision, and are the leading cause of blindness worldwide.

The American Optometric Association says that several studies have linked vitamin C intake and a reduced risk of cataracts. In one study, women who took Vitamin C for 10 years or more had a 64 percent reduced risk of developing nuclear cataracts.

Researchers estimate that by delaying the onset of cataracts by 10 years, half of the cataract-related surgeries can be avoided. Another study showed that women who took a daily supplement at a dose of 364 mg had a 57 percent reduced risk of certain types of cataracts.

An event conducted in 2015 provided evidence gathered from epidemiological studies of Vitamin C and the risk of age-related cataracts. It was found that adequate consumption of vitamin C and serum ascorbate was associated with a lower risk of cataracts.

Ophthalmologists also published a study in 2016 that found that a higher intake of Vitamin C may protect the eyes against the development of cataracts.

Participants who had higher intakes of vitamin C through their diets were found to have clearer lenses and a 33% reduced risk of cataract production compared to those with lower vitamin C intakes.

What's more, the study found that genetic factors contributed to only 35% of the difference in cataract development. Another 65% is caused by diet and other environmental factors.

Read: Vitamin C Serum for Acne: Benefits and How to Use It

Note that this study only focused on vitamin C intake through food, and not through dietary supplements.

(Remember that there is currently less and less nutritional value and absorption of vitamins from our food due to land degradation, so vitamin supplementation – especially Vitamin C – is essential.)

The lenses of our eyes are bathed in fluids with a high concentration of Vitamin C, powerful antioxidant thought to be important in the protection of the inner tissues of the eye against oxidative damage that causes cloudy lenses.

This vitamin C-rich liquid has many functions including providing oxygen and nutrients to eye tissues such as the lens and cornea (both of which lack direct blood supply).

Fluids also remove waste products from the eye tissue and help maintain the intraocular pressure (internal pressure) that keeps the eye in shape.

Benefits of Vitamin C in Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a condition that worsens the macula (the middle part of the retina that is responsible for our central vision) and is one of the leading causes of vision loss in the elderly. However, taking vitamin C to prevent macular degeneration is a pretty wise move.

Read: Wow! These are the various benefits of vitamin C for the body

The National Eye Institute is sponsoring a clinical trial conducted to understand the effects of antioxidant vitamins and zinc on age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. This significant Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) suggests that 500mg/day of Vitamin C, combined with beta-carotene, Vitamin E, and zinc supplements, may slow the progression of AMD and vision loss.

Results showed that participants at high risk of developing advanced AMD (those with intermediate AMD or advanced AMD in one eye) had a 28% lower risk of developing advanced AMD when they took antioxidant supplements, compared with participants taking a placebo.

Advanced age is an obvious factor behind the increase in the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. However, other factors include excessive sun exposure, smoking, obesity, statin drugs, diabetes, high blood pressure, excessive alcohol intake, genetic factors, previous eye surgery, and previous eye injuries. People with any of these conditions and factors should increase their intake of Vitamin C for eye health.

There's no denying that Vitamin C is essential for a healthy and functioning body - it's essential.

There is a wealth of scientific evidence proving that Vitamin C nourishes our skeletal system, supports the growth and maintenance of connective tissue, scavenges damaging free radicals, and reduces the risk of cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.

However, our body cannot produce Vitamin C on its own. What's more, Vitamin C is water-soluble, meaning that our body excretes excess Vitamin C through urine.

Our bodies can't just store the rest of the Vitamin C for later. Therefore, we must rely on an adequate daily dose of Vitamin C through diet and high-quality Vitamin C supplementation to maintain sufficient levels for eye health as well as overall health and well-being.

That's the article Here are the Benefits of Vitamin C for Eye Health. May be useful.

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